Friday, March 19, 2021

Net Worth Update Mar 2021 | SGD 1.05m surpassed!

My net worth increases $14k from Feb 2021 to hit $1.062m!!!

This is after the latest salary savings, CPF contributions and due to strengthening of the share price of Reits and stocks in my portfolio.

I have topped up $7k to my CPF Special Account under the Retirement Sum Top Up (RSTU) scheme and have started to top up my Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) account.

I have also started my first investment of 2021 by adding Mapletree Logistics Trust.

I have tendered my resignation and is currently serving notice. I have reflected and shared the 10 reasons why I quit my job. I am looking forward to embark on a clean slate in my new job soon.

As shared in previous posts, I will adopt a passive approach in managing my financial health this year. I intend to live frugally as always, save up and slowly build up my cash positions in the war chest while staying on the sidelines. I will consider adding shares whenever there is any dip or correction. There is no best or ideal time to invest. It is either now or never. I will slowly and steadily build up my investment portfolio and let compounding takes its powerful effect.

Meanwhile, I will also invest in myself by continually up skilling and picking up knowledge and technical expertise in cloud computing. Also, I am trying hard to exercise consistently. A three-pronged approach in managing financial, intellectual and physical health is key to sustaining a rich life!

SGD 1.062m

Thanks for reading. Huat ah!

With love & peace, 


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I noticed you did not include property in your net worth? I have about the same net worth but included property minus the outstanding loan. Also a few years older than you. :)

Qiongster said...

Thank you for reading my blog. I have merely booked a BTO and did not really own a property yet.


Anonymous said...

My view is we should not add our residential property. 2nd property yes.
Think your CPF % is really high from asset allocation perspective for illiquid ones. Mine is like 25% which I can withdraw anytime. There is a CPF herd in earning higher interest in recent years. I did not join though I am very close to withdrawal age. There are policy risks especially for those far away from 55YO (which may also increase) later. Anyway to each their own.

Qiongster said...

Yup. I agree with your observation as I have been pumping cash into my CPF and had transferred some OA to SA in my younger days. I am now trying hard to boost my cash levels. In future, I may just include the amount paid as the equity portion of HDB flat. Computation of net worth is a science which involves accounting methods and is subjective. To each their own.
