Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Passed IPPT to earn back some Taxes

After surpassing 38 years existence on earth this month, I decided to book an Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) today.

For Singapore guys, IPPT is an annual national service (NS) liability for those who are certified fit and have not completed the 10 operationally ready cycles after completing full time NS.

I am surprised to be able to do 33 standard push ups and 36 sit ups, clocking 39 points out of 50 for static stations under my age group of 37 to 39.

I then need to run under 15 mins for 2.4km to earn 22 points to achieve at least 61 points in total to qualify for a $200 pass incentive.

The evening weather was good with cool breeze today. Track conditions was dry and perfect too.

I managed to run 2.4km in 13:56 mins to pass with 67 points for $200!

Happy to earn back $200 from the $5k taxes which IRAS shall collect from me soon for nation building whereby a large part will be channelled into defence.

Fitness is Wealth.

This shall be one of my last few attempts to take fitness tests in life.

This achievement will encourage me to exercise more this year.

I hope everyone will take care of our own health and fitness despite our busy work schedule and family commitments.

Thanks for reading.

With love & peace,


Unknown said...

In the 1990s you need to hit gold b4 getting a miserable $200. I found it more worthwhile to downgrade out of ict & ippt & focus on career lol. B4 2015 unless you're in civil svc, having zero NS liability in your 20s & 30s was also a plus point for many pte companies.

Qiongster said...

Thanks for the comments. Times have changed and seems like the rewards are not in tandem with inflation.