Friday, June 26, 2020

What is Richness in Life?

What is richness in life? 

It is not always about being wealthy, but rather it could be richness in our mind, richness in health or richness in the spirit. 

The best things in life are always free and not measurable by money. They are intangible. 

The abundance of love, the plentiness of oxygen in the air, the constant flow of water. They are all essential elements for us to survive.

In this world, no one is poor because everyone is given the precious commodity of time - 24 hours or 86400 seconds a day

We ourselves determine whether we live poor or rich. One can be not wealthy but if one adopts a correct mindset, he or she can feel rich too. It all boils down to the mind. Richness can comes in the form of contentment, satisfaction, happiness, healthiness ....

So everytime if you feel poor, take a deep breath and appreciate the time you still have to enjoy in this world.

With Love & Peace,

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