Saturday, August 03, 2024

Maxed Out SSB $200K Individual Limit!


I have conquered the Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB) $200k individual limit!

After the latest subscription of $15k for the Aug 2024 tranche, I now own $170k of SSB in cash and $30k in SRS funds.

Here is the ladder of future dividends. Happy to get an average of $400 every month for the next 10 years!

Moving forward, I will review this SSB portfolio and recycle those low yield tranches as part of active asset management efforts.

Thanks for reading.

With love and peace, 


mysecretinvestment said...

Well done Qiongster,

Great discipline and determination!

I am sure you derived satisfaction from it. That’s what setting targets and meeting them gives us! Tremendous sense of satisfaction and achievement!

The best part of it, after you have attained a certain level of wealth, the $$ part becomes secondary and it is the sense of attaining new targets that gives us great satisfaction. It would be like setting a target to complete a marathon and actually doing it. This habit would serve you well later in life.

Keep it up!

Qiongster said...

Thanks for the encouragement, mysecretinvestment.