Friday, September 06, 2024

A Day of Record-Breaking Net Worth: The toil of Success

Have you ever experienced a day where the stars seemed to align perfectly, only to be thrown a curveball at the last minute? That's exactly what happened to me today. 

Today, I woke up on a seemingly chill Friday morning feeling a sense of anticipation. The SGX market had been performing well in the previous weeks, and I had a good feeling as I work from home with no meeting scheduled for the day. As I checked my portfolio, my heart raced. My S-REIT investments have surged strongly, and my net worth had surpassed my wildest expectations by reaching a staggering SGD 1.7 million while doing nothing but the celebration was short-lived.

Just as I was starting to feel a sense of accomplishment, I received a surprising request. My big boss asked me to do an ad hoc presentation in the office, in just 2 hours' time. Given that I was working from home, this was a significant challenge. I had to quickly gather and prepare my slides, get dressed, and commute to the office.

The unexpected presentation added an extra layer of stress to an already hectic day. I had to juggle preparing for the presentation and responding to other calls and work demands. With no time to eat lunch or go for tea breaks, I felt the strain on my body and mind. It was a demanding test of my time management skills and ability to remain calm under pressure.

Looking back, I've learned valuable lessons from this experience. First, it's important to maintain a healthy work-life balance, even during times of great success. Second, being prepared for unexpected challenges is essential. Having a contingency plan in place can help us navigate unforeseen circumstances with greater ease. Lastly, the importance of attaining financial freedom is greater than ever to gain an option to escape from the rat race.

Today my net worth hit a record high was undoubtedly a memorable one. It was a culmination of years of hard work, sacrifices discipline, frugality and strategic investing. However, the unexpected experience serve as a reminder that even in moments of triumph, life can throw us curveballs. By focusing on a healthy balance and being prepared for the unexpected, we can navigate both success and challenges with grit and resilience.

With love & peace,

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