
Saturday, January 18, 2020

7 Reasons why we must achieve Financial Freedom asap

“Real wealth is not about money. Real wealth is: not having to go to meetings, not having to spend time with jerks, not being locked into status games, not feeling like you have to say ‘yes,’ not worrying about others claiming your time and energy. Real wealth is about freedom.” – James Clear

When we are young, our parents and teachers always tell us to study hard, get good grades so that we can go to good secondary schools, polys or colleges and then repeat the cycle again so that we can get a good job. A good job is one that pays a modern day slave to work hard to add value for the organisation so that the business owners and bosses can reap huge rewards. No teacher or parent would tell kids that they should discover their own interest, enjoy life, be an entrepreneur to set up own companies and that it is possible to be paid for doing nothing and even during sleep. Nobody dare to tell us that it is possible to not work and yet get paid.

Thanks to the advent of social media and technology in recent years, we are readily exposed to Youtube vlogs, financial blogs, books and investing forums that exposes the truth and benefits of financial freedom. There is no meaning in working hard for a company or our bosses. It is important for us to own income producing assets, properties and stakes in profitable businesses. We do not need to be slaves and yet be able to enjoy income. Life is to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest instead of repeating the Mon to Fri 9am to 6pm routine. I became resolute and dead set on achieving freedom before the age of 40. There are 7 key reasons why.

1. Rat Race
A rat race is a never-ending, meaningless and exhausting pursuit in order to achieve a successful career or higher income, power or fame. It refers humans living like rats, competing with one another to earn the next bite of a slice of cheese. Yet it is a common lifestyle lived by most city dwellers or people like us who trapped ourselves in a time-consuming job, working hard to earn the next pay cheque, increment, promotion, bonus in order to alleviate the burden of car loans, property, bills children and other liabilities. Toiling our lives away in jobs till official retirement age at 62 yrs old or 65 yrs old is not how we should live our lives. By achieving financial freedom early, we can escape from this rat race and charter the journey of our own lives.

2. Power and Freedom of Choice
Striving to achieve financial freedom does not necessary mean early retirement. It merely relieves us from the necessity of working for income in a fixed time and location. Financial freedom  opens up the world of options and entrusts us the power to do whatever work we want, anywhere, anytime instead of being ordered to do whatever we do not like to do. Real freedom! In other words, we only work when we are happy to do and we do only things we like.

3. Live in the Real World
Financial freedom allows us to ditch the 'real world' to enjoy the real world. The countless safaris, beaches, valleys, mountains, forests, waterfalls, coral reefs, aurora and all wonders of earths are there for us to explore and enjoy. The documents, computers, photocopier machines, projectors, chairs and desks in the office and meeting are just non-living objects that are meant for modern day slaves.

4. Redemption of Time
Time is our most valuable commodity. Assuming the average human lifespan of 79 years, we only have 2,491,344,000 seconds on this earth. And it is ticking away making us closer and closer to death. Financial freedom presents us the option to work less everyday, work part-time or retire from work at a younger age, thereby liberating more free time for us to pursue time with loved ones, time for interested activities. No more waking up early and rushing to work. No more attending meaningless meetings and events!

5. Smart Passive Income vs Dumb Active Income
Income from stock dividends, bond coupons or rental property requires little to no effort to keep it coming. In contrast, active income is derived from minds and bodies toiling away in the workplace, entertaining clients, contractors, pleasing stakeholders, managing bosses, crunching data, replying emails, generating reports plus doing a wholeload of shit for the salaries, commissions, bonuses and allowances. Rubbing salt into wounds, earned income command a high tax rate compared to portfolio income. We need to be smart to earn the smart income with minimal effort.

6. Health and Fitness
Competition in life only adds on to unnecessary stress and may have derimental effect on mental and physical health. Achieving financial freedom can relieve our competitiveness in work and we can cater more time to focus on diet, healthy intake of vegan rich and fruity meals, have more time prepare and cook our own meals. We can become fitter through workouts in gym, runs, kickboxing, yoga, jumps, hikings, skateboarding and whatever exercises we like to do. Gone are the days of packing food for a hurried meal, skipping lunches or having excuses of being too occupied with work to exercise regularly.

7. To live a Rich Life Free
We can design and live our own customised lifestyle out of passive income that we do not need to work for. This is the ideal situation of living a rich life free. Life will be richer basking in the sunset at the beach, breathing in fresh oxygen from the coconut trees, embracing the nature and spending time with loved ones. The best things in life are free Happiness, Love and Peace! They are priceless yet do not cost alot of money to purchase. Financial freedom can give us a purely Free life!

Thanks for reading! Wishing all a Happy New Year! Huat ah!

Love & Peace,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I think there is no need to repeat the obvious benefits of financial freedom. People know all that already, and they can even add to your list of seven reasons of why financial freedom is good.

    What people want to know and have been searching for is the "HOW" to attain financial freedom - and quickly!

    I am from the old school, that is, I believe in working for what we want in life. If we want a comfortable life, we work hard to earn the money to be able to afford the comfortable life. If we want to be a multi-millionaire, we better be working and earning well to enable us to save substantially and invest well. And these things take time!!

    People also dont want to have financial freedom at the expense of a comfortable life. And a comfortable life to us means living in a nice comfortable condo with full facilities (tennis courts, gym, lap pool, BBQ, function rooms etc) at your doorstep. A comfortable life to us also include a car or two, a maid to do the household chores and cooking, the time to attend live performances and games, and overseas holidays every year!

    These things take money to pay for and thus take time to build that wealth to pay for all that.

    We are enjoying this lifestyle now, and the sweet thing about it is that our passive income covers it and then some. Reaching this stage took us 35 years of continuous employment, disciplined saving and consistent investment. We attained financial freedom / independence three years ago where our passive income exceeded our expenses.

    Having attained financial freedom and we are still working? Why?

    The strange thing about achieving Financial Freedom is that it suddenly changed your perspective of work. You no longer see work as a means of survival. You do not feel anxious about losing your job, your promotion nor your bonus. These feelings were what was causing many people stress. And financial freedom allows you to remove these stressors from your work life.

    Strangely and "perversely", we began to enjoy work once we attained Financial Freedom! Each year we work, we continue to strengthen the wealth foundation that we built up giving us more passive income! Who wouldnt like that!?

    So to add to your 7 reasons for Financial Freedom are:

    1. It helps you look at work differently and may actually help you like it!
    2. It allows you the freedom to negotiate the workscope with your boss or to work somewhere else, at something else to your liking
    3. It allows you time to pick up new skills
